Our road safety kit takes the grab and go first aid kit to a new level with the addition of a warning triangle and safety vest. When stopped at the side of a roadway, these products provide awareness to other drivers to make way and use caution while passing the stopped vehicle. The included first aid kit contains a full range of products to treat common injuries. The triangle folds down to fit alongside the vest and first aid kit in one rugged compact bag.
1-5 Person
This First Aid Kits medical contents are refilled with one simple order. If a Reflective Triangle or Reflective Vest refill is required, these are re-ordered separately.
AGS753S-I | AEROSWAB Gauze Swabs 7.5cm x 7.5cm 3’s | 3 pc |
AW8000-I | AEROWIPE Cleansing Wipe | 3 pc |
AP1011-I | AEROPLAST Plastic Plaster 72x19mm | 10 pc |
AFS001-I | AEROSHIELD Face Shield Disposable | 1 pc |
AP325-I | AEROPORE Microporous Paper Tape 2.5cm x 5M | 1 Roll |
APD101S-I | AEROPAD Low Adherant Dressing 10cm x 10cm | 2 pc |
AWD14S-I | AEROWOUND Wound Dressing #14 | 1 Roll |
AF50 | AEROFORM Conforming Bandage 5cm x 4M | 1 Roll |
AF75 | AEROFORM Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4M | 1 Roll |
ABC10 | AEROBAND Triangular Bandage 110 x 110 x 155cm | 1 pc |
ASP01-I | AEROPINS Safety Pin | 3 pc |
ASC13-I | AEROINSTRUMENTS Scissor 10cm | 1 pc |
AF13-I | AEROINSTRUMENTS Tweezer 12cm Plastic | 1 pc |
ASN096P-I | AEROSUPPLIES Notebook & Pen | 1 pc |
AW1000-I | AEROWASH Eye Wash Ampoule 15ml | 1 pc |
AB310-I | AEROBURN Burn Gel Sachet 3g | 1 pc |
AGNPF02 | AEROGLOVE Nitrile Examination Gloves | 1 Pair |
AGL001 | AEROGUIDE First Aid Leaflet | 1 pc |
Voyager 2 Road Safety – First Aid Kit